Direct Booking Benefits
It pays to book directly. For value-minded travelers, our website offers savings and perks not available on other booking sites. Book directly through our website or by calling the hotel reservations office to access our direct booking offers. No prepayment is required for most reservations just provide your credit card information and maintain flexibility, with the option to change or cancel your reservation before arrival.

Why Book
Directly With Us?
FREE REWARD. Choose from over 20 Free Rewards (rewards may vary) such as complimentary coffee from Starbucks, free Uber credit, Sephora Gift Cards, discounts on local tours, and more! Pick your reward after your reservation is confirmed online. For online reservations only.
FLEXIBLE STAYS AND CANCELLATIONS. Only when you book direct this reservation can be cancelled for free up to 3 days prior to arrival.
ACCURATE HOTEL INFORMATION. Get the most updated information about our hotel right on our website. Everything from guest room info to service details, not to mention amazing hotel photos and special events and offers during your stay.
THE RIGHT WAY TO PAY. Unlike many online travel agencies, we understand that sometimes plans change. When you reserve directly with us, many of our special offers only require a first night’s room/tax as a deposit.
QUICK AND EASY BOOKING. If you need help, we’re just a phone call away at 305.908.5479.
Why Book
Directly With Us?
FREE REWARD. Choose from over 20 Free Rewards (rewards may vary) such as complimentary coffee from Starbucks, free Uber credit, Sephora Gift Cards, discounts on local tours, and more! Pick your reward after your reservation is confirmed online. For online reservations only.
FLEXIBLE STAYS AND CANCELLATIONS. Only when you book direct this reservation can be cancelled for free up to 3 days prior to arrival.
ACCURATE HOTEL INFORMATION. Get the most updated information about our hotel right on our website. Everything from guest room info to service details, not to mention amazing hotel photos and special events and offers during your stay.
THE RIGHT WAY TO PAY. Unlike many online travel agencies, we understand that sometimes plans change. When you reserve directly with us, many of our special offers only require a first night’s room/tax as a deposit.
QUICK AND EASY BOOKING. If you need help, we’re just a phone call away at 305.908.5479.
Terms & Conditions:
The free rewards for booking direct include discounts on local sightseeing tours, gift cards, restaurant gift cards, and more. They are not part of the hotel and fulfilled by LaaSie a 3rd party company. You can view their FAQ here. The Free Reward program applies only to reservations made on The Palms Hotel & Spa's Website. Free Rewards do not apply to group room block reservations.
In the event that you don’t show up, we would charge the first night’s room and tax to your credit card. Credit card is required to secure reservation.